Assessment of Truck-Mounted Area-Wide S-methoprene Applications to Manage West Nile Virus Vector Species in the Suburbs of Chicago, IL, USA

Posted by Vector and Vector-borne Disease Committee
December 13, 2022

HE Johnson1, M Clifton2, JE Harbison3, A Erkapic2, GA Barrett-Wilt4, S Paskewitz5, L Bartholomay1 [e-mail:].   1Dept Pathobiological Sciences, Univ Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, 2North Shore Mosq Abatement Dist, Northfield, IL, 3Loyola Univ Chicago, Maywood, IL, 4Biotech Center, Univ Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, 5Dept Entomology, Univ Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

J. Med. Entomol. 2022

Note:  This study revealed the impact of ULV truck-mounted Altosid SR-20 [20% s-methoprene] applications in an open field and a suburban neighborhood.  Using emergence assays, the open field applications indicated that methoprene was effective against Culex pipiens for up to 53 m from the truck route. The neighborhood applications appeared to reach the front and back yards; however, adult Culex pipiens and Cx. restuans abundance was not decreased based on the trap collections. This study highlighted the challenges of conducting a successful neighborhood application and the impact that lower susceptibility of wild strains may play in efficacy.