MVCAC Annual Conference Hotel Scam

MVCAC has become aware of companies contacting our exhibitors and possibly our members, falsely claiming to be a housing bureau authorized to secure rooms at the Oakland Marriott where the MVCAC Annual Conference will be taking place next year. We want to remind you to book your conference hotel room only through the official MVCAC booking link.

These entities may offer rooms at purportedly discounted rates. Please be aware that these are unauthorized third-party entities without any affiliation with MVCAC or the Oakland Marriott. They have no authority to make reservations on behalf of attendees.

These companies may book rooms for you at fully prepaid rates with no option for cancellation or changes, and they offer no support if issues arise with your reservation. They are essentially poachers of hotel room blocks. 

The only legitimate way to reserve accommodations for any MVCAC event is through the booking link provided directly by us in partnership with the hotel. Reservations made through any other means will not be credited within our block and could potentially put us in an attrition risk.

We are actively monitoring this situation and urge you to inform us if you are contacted by such companies. Unfortunately, there is little recourse against their actions.

Booking through the official MVCAC booking link ensures both you and MVCAC are protected! Find the booking link here.

Duration of Fever in Patients with Dengue: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Duration of Fever in Patients with Dengue: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Gupta, N., et al. Am.J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 111(1), 2024, pp. 5–10. doi:10.4269/ajtmh.23-0542.

Abstract [Shortened]. There is a need to establish the average fever duration with a confidence interval among patients with dengue. Studies up to October 21, 2022 from two databases (PubMed and Embase) were included using the search terms related to dengue and duration of fever. Studies where the average duration of fever was available were included for systematic review. A total of 643 articles were included from the two databases after duplicate deletion. After two rounds of screening, 31 articles (n 57,905) were finally included. The mean duration of fever in the 20 articles included for meta-analysis was 5.1 (95% CI: 4.7–5.5) days. Longer duration of fever was seen in those with a higher grade of fever, those with higher disease severity, and those with concurrent bacterial infections.

Note: The is considerable overlap between the onset of febrile and viremia stages following dengue infection, especially as it relates to infectivity to mosquitoes [see ]. Most likely the onset of fever is the first indication of illness to the patient and may provide a ‘skeletal’ timeline for the 1st recognition of the onset of dengue viremia. As the time window is short, early detection and reporting are important for surveillance to detect infected Aedes and possible secondary infections.

Full Paper

Summer Legislative Recess

Legislators will be home in their districts from July 4-August 2. This is a great time to schedule a meeting at their district office or invite them to tour your MVCD. On the Leg Day Google site you can find a list of legislators and the collateral materials used for Leg Day in Sacramento. You can also find resources in the Grassroots Advocacy Toolkit which includes a compilation of outreach best practices, a sample tour invite email, a mosquito 101 presentation, and an evergreen story map for you to use when inviting and hosting a legislator at your district. 

MVCAC Corporate Member Fiscal Status Report Submission for 2024-25 Dues

It’s that time of year again! Please fill out and email or fax back this year’s MVCAC Fiscal Status Report Form for your district’s MVCAC dues to be calculated.

Dues for Corporate Members are due on July 1st of each year for the fiscal year ending June 30th of the following year. Unpaid dues will be considered late on September 1st. After September 1st, a late notice will be sent which will include a $50 late payment fee. Corporate members that do not pay their dues and late fee by October 31st will be dropped from the membership rolls.

If you are interested in continuing to contribute to the West Nile Virus Call Center and indicate the amount you would like to contribute. That information then will be passed along to Heluyna Health who will provide the billing. MVCAC is only providing them the information and not providing billing services.

Second, as more and more work is being done assisting our International districts, we established a fund to help offset costs if a district member should want to go help with these efforts but may have a district that cannot fully provide monetary support. If you are able to give a little bit into this fund, please note on the dues sheet how much and we will bill you for the amount. This fund is not being budgeted into our annual budget, will only show as a pass through amount and will not be used for any other association costs.

Also, please do note that if you pay your membership dues via credit card, we will then bill you for the credit card fee per MVCAC policy.

Please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions. Thank you for supporting MVCAC. 

Fill Out Form Here

2025 MVCAC Plenary Speaker Announced

Monday morning,  January 27

Historical and Personal Reflections on Mosquito Ecology and Control

Phil Lounibos, PHD


A sixth-generation Californian, Phil Lounibos grew up on a chicken farm in Petaluma. He attended the University of Notre Dame, where he was introduced to mosquito research in the lab of the late George Craig. After a PhD in biology at Harvard University, as a postdoctoral fellow at the Mosquito Biology Unit of the International  Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology, he oversaw the first trials for genetic control of Aedes aegypti on the Kenya coast and performed independent research on other East African container mosquitoes. From 1977-2017, from the Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory he conducted in both Florida and South America ecological, behavioral, and physiological studies on a wide range of mosquito species. The ecology of invasive mosquito species, especially Ae. aegypti  and Aedes albopictus, and mechanisms of displacement and segregation, were major themes of his final two decades of research at FMEL, funded by NIH. Lounibos mentored numerous graduate students and postdocs as a faculty member of the University of Florida.

SB 1251 (Stern) Passed the Senate

SB 1251 (Stern), sponsored by MVCAC, passed the Senate almost unanimously and now goes on to the Assembly. SB 1251 would allow mosquito control districts to request a plan be filed with utility corporations for the purposes of entering into vector management agreements within 6 months of a request being sent. We will keep you posted on when the bill will be heard next.

Call for Nominations: Treasurer Position at MVCAC!

Dear MVCAC Members,

The Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California (MVCAC) is excited to announce an open call for nominations for the position of Treasurer. This is a pivotal role within our organization, responsible for overseeing the financial affairs that drive our mission forward.

We are thankful to our long-time Treasurer David I’Anson for his work in the role and wish him well as he heads into other volunteer endeavors.

With that, we are now soliciting nominations for our Treasurer to be sworn-in at the July Board of Directors Meeting.

Per our bylaws, the Treasurer serves as a non-voting member of the Board and holds a term of three years, with the possibility of reappointment for a second term subject to the approval of the Board. As the financial steward of MVCAC, the Treasurer plays a crucial role in maintaining our fiscal health and ensuring compliance with all financial reporting and tax requirements applicable to nonprofit organizations.

The duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer include, but are not limited to:

  • Receiving and reviewing monthly financial reports, including investment reports.
  • Presenting the financial report at each board meeting.
  • Collaborating with staff to develop and present the annual budget.
  • Serving as custodian for all MVCAC financial accounts and approving all financial transactions.
  • Ensuring compliance with all financial reporting and tax requirements applicable to nonprofit organizations.

To be eligible for nomination, candidates must meet the following qualifications:

  • Active membership in MVCAC (required).
  • Understanding of financial and tax reporting requirements for nonprofit organizations.

We invite you to nominate yourself or encourage fellow member who possesses the necessary skills, experience, and dedication to serve as MVCAC’s Treasurer. Nominations can be submitted by emailing MVCAC Executive Director Megan MacNee at  no later than May 30th.  Please include a brief statement outlining the nominee’s qualifications and commitment to the role.

The MVCAC Nomination’s Committee will review the nomination and make a recommendation to the board in July.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement in advancing the mission of MVCAC. Together, we can make a meaningful impact in mosquito and vector control efforts across California.

Successful introgression of wMel Wolbachia into Aedes aegypti populations in Fiji, Vanuatu and Kiribati.

Simmons CP, Donald W, Tagavi L, Tarivonda L, Quai T, Tavoa R, et al. (2024)Successful introgression of wMel Wolbachia into Aedes aegypti populations in Fiji, Vanuatu and Kiribati. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 18(3): e0012022.

Abstract. Introgression of the intracellular bacterium Wolbachia pipientis (wMel strain) into Ae. aegypti populations reduces their vector competence and consequently lowers dengue incidence in the human population. Here we describe successful area-wide deployments of wMel-infected Ae. aegypti in Suva, Lautoka, Nadi (Fiji), Port Vila (Vanuatu) and South Tarawa (Kiribati). With community support, weekly releases of wMel-infected Ae. aegypti mosquitoes for between 2 to 5 months resulted in wMel introgression in nearly all locations. Long term monitoring confirmed a high, self-sustaining prevalence of wMel infecting mosquitoes in almost all deployment areas. Measurement of public health outcomes were disrupted by the Covid19 pandemic but are expected to emerge in the coming years.

Note: Successful introgression into these ‘closed’ island populations was encouraging and should reduce dengue disease cases. However, this DID NOT impact the Ae. aegypti nuisance biting pressure and therefore might not be a useful tool in areas with low arbovirus transmission.

Click Here for Full Abstract

Surveillance of Fleas and Their Small Mammal Hosts for Plague Risks in Some Main Seaports of the Islands of the Southwestern Indian Ocean.

M. Harimalala et al. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 110(2), 2024, pp. 311–319. doi:10.4269/ajtmh.23-0363.

Abstract. Beginning in the 1920s/1930s, rodent and flea surveillance was carried out as part of plague hazard management in seaports of the world. Nowadays, such activity is not done regularly. In the southwestern Indian Ocean (SWIO) region, plague surveillance is of great importance given plague endemicity in Madagascar and thus the incurred risk for neighboring islands. This study reports animal-based surveillance aimed at identifying fleas and their small mammal hosts in 5 SWIO seaports as well as Yersinia pestis detection: Madagascar (Toamasina and Mahajanga), Mauritius (Port Louis), and the Union of Comoros (Moroni and Mutsamudu). Mammals were euthanized and their fleas collected and morphologically identified before Y. pestis detection. In total, 145 mammals were trapped: the brown rat Rattus norvegicus (76.5%), the black rat Rattus rattus (8.3%), and the Asian house shrew Suncus murinus (15.2%). Fur brushing allowed collection of 1,596 fleas exclusively identified as Xenopsylla cheopis. All tested fleas were negative for Y. pestis DNA. This study shows that both well-known plague mammal hosts and flea vectors occur in SWIO seaports. It also highlights the necessity of carrying out regular animal-based surveillance for plague hazard management in this region.

Note: This study describes a high X. cheopis flea index among mammals collected at SWOI port areas. With increasing global trade from a variety of sources and routes, it would seem MVCAC agencies that include port areas should be aware of this continuing threat to the public health and the importance of the proper use of rodent guards on ship mooring lines.

Don’t Forget – Send Your Legislative Day Thank You Notes ASAP!

Thank you to all those who joined us last week for MVCAC’s Legislative Day in Sacramento. There is one more step to help us MVCAC make a lasting impact on those we’ve met.
If you haven’t already had the chance, take a few minutes and send a quick thank you note to those you met with. You can find a template letter you can use on the MVCAC Leg Day site here.
Didn’t make it to Legislative Days, feel free to save this letter to work off on future visits with your local electeds. 

MVCAC 2024 Conference Reel

Thank you to Mike Watson for this amazing video!

MVCAC 2024 Yearbook Questionnaire

Please take a moment to provide the MVCAC office with your agency’s information for 2024. Contact the MVCAC office at
(916) 440-0826 with any questions about this form.

This questionnaire is due via e-mail or fax to MVCAC by February 29, 2024. If a questionnaire is not received from your agency by the deadline, the MVCAC office will list your agency’s information from the 2023 Yearbook in the 2024 Yearbook.

View the form

2024 Sentinel Chicken Order Forms Available Now!


Chickens are being supplied by Gemperle Family Farms in Turlock, CA

Please return order form by March 1, 2024 Via email or fax to 916-444-7462

Northern and Southern Region

Pick-up date: Mid-April. Specific date, and location TBD (Turlock/Hilmar area)


The address for the farm will be provided as soon as we have it.

Questions: please email or call R’Mani White in Membership at or (916) 440-0826 ext 125.

Help Support the 2024 WNV Call Center

The WNV Call Center needs YOUR help meeting their 2024 funding goal!

The West Nile Virus Call Center helps keep California safe from disease outbreaks by allowing the public to report dead birds on their area.

If other agencies are interested in contributing, please email

Call for Volunteers

Are you attending MVCAC 2024 in Monterey, CA?!? 

We are hosting an AMCA YPs booth at the upcoming MVCAC annual meeting in Monterey, CA! To make this event a success, we are seeking enthusiastic volunteers to assist with the YPs booth and various conference logistics. If you are attending, volunteer at our AMCA YPs booth! Connect and engage with your fellow California YP peers and seasoned professionals. If you’re eager to be a part of this dynamic experience, please complete the volunteer form:

MVCAC Office Closed 12/25-01/01

CalSurv Seeking Examples of Visualizations and Data Summaries

The CalSurv development team is seeking examples of visualizations and data summaries your agency includes in reports. If you’re willing to submit examples of reports that are useful to you, we’ll do our best to incorporate some of the examples in our workshops and resources. Please upload any example reports here.


If you missed our October training on creating your own reports in R using the new VectorSurv API, it’s not too late! You can check out the video on our YouTube channel. To get periodic updates from our team, sign up for our newsletter here.

MVCAC’s Response to Dengue Case in Pasadena

In response to the locally acquired dengue case recently reported in Pasadena, MVCAC drafted a statement to assist with your outreach efforts and if you receive questions from residents and stakeholders.

New Annual Content Calendar Guide

The MVCAC PR Committee developed an annual content calendar to serve as a guide to help California mosquito and vector control districts with their outreach efforts and messaging seasonally. Each season identifies important topics to include in outreach messaging from social media to in-person events and much more. Print this calendar for a quick reference when strategically planning outreach. It is meant to spark creativity while also keeping District communicators proactive!

Download Here

CA West Nile Virus & Dead Bird Call Center closes for the season on October 13, 2023

This season, the California Department of Public Health received over 5,900 dead bird reports to the CA West Nile Virus & Dead Bird Call Center (1-877-WNV-BIRD) and website. Over 1,700 dead birds were collected for testing, with 773 birds testing positive for West Nile virus (WNV). On October 13, the Call Center will transition to internet-only reporting at WNV testing is limited in the fall and winter as WNV activity decreases, but dead bird reports are appreciated all year round.


3D Printing Workshop


To be put on a waitlist, please email Rachel Hickerson,


If you want to design and build custom tools for vector control such as dippers and sentinel cages, the latest innovation is 3D printing. Anyone interested in learning about 3D printing should join the workshop on Sunday, January 21, 2024. Start time will be 1PM at Monterey Peninsula College. Topics include:

  • Essentials and advanced techniques for 3D printing
  • 3D scanning and laser cutting
  • Art and science of making prints and resolving issues
  • Print your own 3D object
  • Bring your questions!

New Grassroots Advocacy Slide Deck

The PR Committee has created a “Mosquito 101” power point presentation that MVCAC members can use to educate policymakers and stakeholders about the intricacies of mosquito control. In addition to meeting with legislators in Sacramento, building relationships at the local level is critical for increasing awareness and fostering collaboration. State legislators are generally in their districts in the fall since the legislative session is over – this is a good time to invite them to tour your district. In addition to the slide deck there is a series of grassroots advocacy materials available on the legislative outreach section on the members-only side of the website.

New Library of Donated Photos for MVCAC Member Agencies

The MVCAC PR Committee has a charge to create a library of mosquito and vector-related photos and videos for MVCAC members to use in their education and outreach efforts to augment in-house capabilities. And here it is! The MVCAC PR Committee has created a library of donated photos for MVCAC members to use in publications, on websites, in advertising and for any other forms of outreach. Districts all over California have graciously donated these photos. Whether you have a large agency with a large outreach department or a smaller agency with employees who wear multiple hats, these pictures are for you copy and use how you see fit.

MVCAC members do not need to list photo credit information when using the photos.

View Photo Library Here

Novel Non-Chemical Technologies for Pest and Vector Management – Engineered, Sterile Insect and Related Technologies Workshop

Attend the “Novel Non-Chemical Technologies for Pest and Vector Management – Engineered, Sterile Insect and Related Technologies” Workshop on October 5, 2023

The California Department of Pesticide Regulation, along with co-sponsors the California Department of Food and Agriculture and the California Department of Public Health, are hosting a scientific workshop to discuss novel and emerging technologies and research, particularly focused on engineered, sterile insect and related technologies to manage pests.

The goal for workshop participants is to learn about existing and developing technologies and current research on pest management tools that are alternative to chemical tools. DPR will host an additional workshop in 2024 that will focus on the department’s evaluation framework for insect technologies requiring registration.

When: October 5, 2023, 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Where: California Environmental Protection Agency, 1001 I St., Sacramento, in the Coastal Hearing Room. The workshop will also be available for virtual attendance on Zoom. Zoom details are also available on the workshop agenda

What: The workshop will feature presentations from public sector, private industry and university research scientists on past and current projects and research on new and emerging techniques to better understand these alternative pest management technologies and the science behind them. Each presentation will include an opportunity for questions from attendees. The agenda is available on DPR’s website

Speakers include: • Brad White, Principal Scientist and Director, Verily • Jason Leathers, Environmental Program Manager, California Department of Food and Agriculture • Kevin Gorman, Chief Development Officer, Oxitec • Marco Metzger, Senior Public Health Biologist, California Department of Public Heath • Nikolay Kandul, Researcher, UC San Diego and Cofounder, Synvect, Inc. • Peter Atkinson, Researcher, UC Riverside Department of Entomology • Stephanie Gamez, Director of Research and Development, Agragene

For questions regarding this event, please contact: Laurie Brajkovich

Sample Social Media for Mosquito Season

May 2023

The California Department of Public Health has a selection of social media messages and graphics for agencies and districts to share this summer about West Nile virus (WNV), mosquito-bite prevention, and dead bird reporting: Sample Social Media

Other helpful CDPH resources and links:

Best Management Practices for Mosquito Control

July, 2023

An updated version of Best Management Practices for Mosquito Control in California (PDF) is available from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). This resource is a manual for landowners and land managers, and provides specific, primarily non-chemical actions that can be implemented to reduce or eliminate mosquito production from different habitats. Additional information about mosquitoes and larval habitats in California is also provided. This manual and additional resources are available from CDPH at:

News Brief 7.12.2023

Call for Papers; Save the Date!; Lear How Drones are Used to Control Mosquitoes; Award Nominations; Best Management Practices for Mosquito Control; Sample Social Media for Mosquito Season; Using Drones with Granular Larvicide?; etc. 

Click here to view

News Brief 6.28.2023

Save the date; Award Nominations; CDPH Insecticide Resistance Survey; Best Management Practices for Mosquito Control; Sample Social Media for Ticks and Mosquitoes; Using drones with granular larvicide?; New Process for Submitting Updated NOIs and PAPs to the State Water Board; Buying a drone? Read this first.

Click here to view

News Brief 6.21.2023

Save the date; Award Nominations; CDPH Insecticide Resistance Survey; Best Management Practices for Mosquito Control; National Mosquito Control Awareness Week is this week!; Sample Social Media for Ticks and Mosquitoes; Using drones with granular larvicide?; New Process for Submitting Updated NOIs and PAPs to the State Water Board; Buying a drone? Read this first.

Click here to view

News Brief 6.14.2023

Save the date; Best Management Practices for Mosquito Control; Award Nominations; National Mosquito Control Awareness Week is coming up!;Sample Social Media for Ticks and Mosquitoes; Using drones with granular larvicide?; New Process for Submitting Updated NOIs and PAPs to the State Water Board; Buying a drone? Read this first.

Click here to view

Sample Social Media for Ticks and Mosquitoes

The California Department of Public Health has a selection of social media messages and graphics for agencies and districts to share about tick-bite prevention, Lyme disease awareness, and dead bird reporting.

Share social media messages about dead bird reporting for WNV surveillance this spring and summer: Sample Social Media

Other helpful CDPH resources and links:

Award Nominations 2023

It’s nomination time! Nominations are now open for MVCAC’s Meritorious Service, Honorary Member, and the Service with Distinction Awards.  All nominations must be received in the MVCAC office by September 11th so they may be included on the ballot to all the member districts, or adequate ad hoc committees may be appointed (for Service with Distinction). 

For all award nominations, a list of the individuals qualifying accomplishments and achievements must also be received with the nomination letter. 

Please submit nominations via email to or fax at 916-444-7462 attn: Award Nominations. Ballots for Honorary and Meritorious Service will be sent out after September 13th, with a due date before the Fall meeting in October. 

Please do not hesitate to contact the MVCAC office if you have any questions!

News Brief 6.7.2023

Save the date; Sample Social Media for Ticks and Mosquitoes; Award nominations; National Mosquito Awareness Week; Sample Social Media for Ticks and Mosquitoes; Using drones with granular larvicide?; New Process for Submitting Updated NOIs and PAPs to the State Water Board; Buying a drone? Read this first; News Headlines; Job Boards

Click here to view

News Brief 6.1.2023

Save the date; Sample Social Media for Ticks and Mosquitoes; Using drones with granular larvicide?; New Process for Submitting Updated NOIs and PAPs to the State Water Board; Buying a drone? Read this first; News Headlines; Job Boards

Click here to view

News Brief 5.25.2023

Sample Social Media for Ticks and Mosquitoes; Using drones with granular larvicide?; New Process for Submitting Updated NOIs and PAPs to the State Water Board; Buying a drone? Read this first; News Headlines; Job Board

Click here to view

News Briefs 5.18.2023

Sample Social Media for Ticks and Mosquitoes; Use Case Guide for Using Aerial Drones to Apply Larvicide for Mosquito Control; Letter to DPR; New Process for Submitting Updated NOI’s and PAP’s to the State Water Board; Buying a Drone? Read this first; News Headlines; Job Board

Click here to view

News Briefs 5.10.2023

MVCAC SIT and Ad Hoc Meeting;  MVCD Letter to DPR; New Process for Submitting Updated NOIs and PAPs to the State Water Board; Buying a drone? Read this first; Oxitec Voluntarily Withdraws its Research Authorization Application; News Headlines; Job Board

Click here to view

News Briefs 5.03.2023

Save the Date for the Spring Budget & Board Meetings; MVCAC SIT and Ad Hoc Meeting; New Process for Submitting Updated NOIs and PAPs to the State Water Board; Buying a drone? Read this first; Oxitec Voluntarily Withdraws its Research Authorization Application; The West Nile Virus and Dead Bird Call Center; Cybersecurity Information following Spring Quarterly 2023; Combating West Nile virus disease – time to revisit vaccination; Zika Updates; Other Outbreaks

Click here to view

News Briefs 4.26.2023

Buying a drone? Read this first; Oxitec Voluntarily Withdraws its Research Authorization Application; Save the Date for the Spring Budget & Board Meetings!; The West Nile Virus and Dead Bird Call Center; Cybersecurity Information following Spring Quarterly 2023;  MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19; Submit your district for the next Spotlight On; HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into; News Headlines; Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?; MVCAC Jobs Board; MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner

Click here to view

News Briefs 4.19.2023

Save the Date for the Spring Budget & Board Meetings!; Mosquito Awareness Week Outreach Materials Are Available; Leg Day Follow Up; The West Nile Virus and Dead Bird Call Center; Cybersecurity Information following Spring Quarterly 2023;  MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19; Submit your district for the next Spotlight On; HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into; News Headlines; Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?; MVCAC Jobs Board; MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner

Click here to view

News Briefs 4.12.2023

Mosquito Awareness Week Outreach Materials Now Available; The West Nile Virus and Dead Bird Call Center; World Chagas Disease Day @ SDSU; Leg Day Follow Up; Save the Date for the Spring Budget & Board Meetings!; Cybersecurity Information following Spring Quarterly 2023;  MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19; Submit your district for the next Spotlight On; HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into; News Headlines; Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?; MVCAC Jobs Board; MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner

Click here to view

News Briefs 4.5.2023

Sentinel Chicken Orders Deadline; Call for Proceedings Papers Deadline; Save the Date for the Spring Budget & Board Meetings!; Spring Meeting & Leg Day Follow Up; PacVec Annual Meeting 2023!; Cybersecurity Information following Spring Quarterly 2023; The West Nile Virus and Dead Bird Call Center; MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19; Submit your district for the next Spotlight On; HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into; News Headlines; Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?; MVCAC Jobs Board; MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner

Click here to view

News Briefs 3.29.2023

Save the Date for Spring Budget & Board Meetings!; AMG bids Farewell to Sarah Spencer; Spring Meeting & Leg Day Follow Up; Register by tomorrow PacVec Annual Meeting 2023!; Cybersecurity Information following Spring Quarterly 2023; The West Nile Virus and Dead Bird Call Center; Call for Proceedings Papers Deadline April 7, 2023; Sentinel Chicken Orders; MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19; Submit your district for the next Spotlight On; HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into; News Headlines; Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?; MVCAC Jobs Board; MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner

Click here to view

News Briefs 3.22.2023

Register by March 30th PacVec Annual Meeting 2023!; Save the Date for Spring Budget & Board Meetings!; Call for Proceedings Papers Deadline April 7, 2023; Sentinel Chicken Orders; Share Your Post COVID-19 Exposure Methods With Us; MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19; Submit your district for the next Spotlight On; HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into; News Headlines; Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?; MVCAC Jobs Board; MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner

Click here to view

News Briefs 3.15.2023

Join Today’s Legislative Conference Training Session at Noon; Legislative Conference & Spring Committee Meetings; Save the Date for Spring Budget & Board Meetings!; MVCAC Writer’s Workshop; Call for Proceedings Papers Deadline April 7, 2023; Register by March 30th PacVec Annual Meeting 2023!; Sentinel Chicken Orders; Share Your Post COVID-19 Exposure Methods With Us; MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19; Submit your district for the next Spotlight On; HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into; News Headlines; Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?; MVCAC Jobs Board; MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner

Click here to view

News Briefs 3.8.2023

Legislative Conference & Spring Committee Meetings; Save the Date for Spring Budget & Board Meetings!; MVCAC Writer’s Workshop; Call for Proceedings Papers Deadline April 7, 2023; Sentinel Chicken Orders; Share Your Post COVID-19 Exposure Methods With Us; MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19; Submit your district for the next Spotlight On; HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into; News Headlines; Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?; MVCAC Jobs Board; MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner

Click here to view

News Briefs 3.1.2023

Legislative Conference & Spring Committee Meetings; Save the Date for Spring Budget & Board Meetings!; MVCAC Writer’s Workshop; New tools urgently needed to protect Californians from mosquito-transmitted diseases; Call for Proceedings Papers Deadline April 7, 2023; Invasive Aedes Impact Survey; Sentinel Chicken Orders; Legislative Conference; PacVec Updates; Share Your Post COVID-19 Exposure Methods With Us; MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19; Submit your district for the next Spotlight On; HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into; News Headlines; Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?; MVCAC Jobs Board; MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner

Click here to view

News Briefs 2.22.2023

Legislative Conference & Spring Committee Meetings; Save the Date for Spring Budget & Board Meetings!; Call for Proceedings Papers Deadline April 7, 2023; Invasive Aedes Impact Survey; Sentinel Chicken Orders; Legislative Conference; PacVec Updates; Share Your Post COVID-19 Exposure Methods With Us; MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19; Submit your district for the next Spotlight On; HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into; News Headlines; Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?; MVCAC Jobs Board; MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner

Click here to view

News Briefs 2.15.2023

Thank You For Joining Us!; Annual Conference Photos; Sentinel Chick Orders; Legislative Conference; PacVec Updates; Share Your Post COVID-19 Exposure Methods With Us; MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19; Submit your district for the next Spotlight On; HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into; News Headlines; Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?; MVCAC Jobs Board; MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner

Click here to view

News Briefs 2.9.2023

In Memory of Mir S. Mulla, PhD, Professor Emeritus UC Riverside; Annual Conference Photos; Sentinel Chick Orders; Save the Date Legislative Conference; Share Your Post COVID-19 Exposure Methods With Us; MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19; Submit your district for the next Spotlight On; HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into; News Headlines; Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?; MVCAC Jobs Board; MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner

Click here to view