News Brief 7.27.22

MVCAC 91st Annual Conference Call to Present a Poster and William E. Walton Poster Competition; 2022 William C. Reeves New Investigator Award Applications Due 10/3/22; MVCAC 91st Annual Conference Call for Papers and Presentations; Upcoming Events; PR Committee Education and Outreach Materials Google Drive; Meritorious Service Award, Honorary Member Award and Service with Distinction Award Nominations Now Open; Share Your Post COVID-19 Exposure Methods With Us; MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19; Spotlight On: Grandmother Mosquito: A new education tool for OCMVCD; Submit your district for the next Spotlight On; HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into; Why are there no human West Nile virus outbreaks in South America?; Survival and Release of 5 American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) Naturally Infected With West Nile Virus; MVCAC News Briefs – Zika Updates; MVCAC News Briefs – Other Outbreaks; Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?; MVCAC Jobs Board; MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner
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