Mosquito district ramps up campaign

From Westside Connect
April 19, 2018

The Merced County Mosquito Abatement District has launched its annual campaign against the bothersome insects – which can pose health risks as well as being a warm-weather nuisance.

This year, that endeavor includes a countywide aerial survey of swimming pools to identify those which are neglected and pose the potential to be breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Rhiannon Jones, the district’s general manager, told Mattos Newspapers that the aerial campaign identified 1,679 neglected pools – including 49 in the Gustine and Santa Nella areas.

Neglected swimming pools and ornamental ponds can be fertile breeding grounds for the types of mosquitoes which carry West Nile Virus and St. Louis Encephalitis Virus, Jones noted.

“This is the first time the Merced County Mosquito Abatement District has used aerial photography to assess the neglected swimming pool situation,” she commented. “The number of neglected swimming pools in our area is much higher than expected.”

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